I like the new landing page Jake โค๏ธ Whats the Url for the landing page and I will check it out. By the way I sent a message to you saying I was interested in testing out the Niche Creator to in the beta group. Are you already do this or whats the date you launch this?

I have always been the weird one, I was the black sheep of the family and a person who stuck out from the crowd as odd in school. So of course I got bullied and judged but it made me rebellious eventually as I grew older.

From experience, because of your weirdness, sometimes you need to suffer the backlash, judgement and bullying from others before you can recognise what you have to offer the world, and then of course you have to be brave enough to exploit it.

"Our weirdness is our potential" ...just trying to work that one out! How can you know how our weirdness is our gateway to our creative success?

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Sep 22ยทedited Sep 22Author

thanks Jane. Yeah there was only 8 spaces for beta testing and over 200 people applied so the spaces were filled in in first couple of minutes. In the following weeks new letter, I siad that the spaces had been filled and due to the overwhelming response I didn't have the time to respond to everyone personally.

We don't have a release date yet. But soon.

Everyone gets judged on their weirdness as we live in a neurotypical society but the key is to stop give a fuck and embrace your weirdness. The DJ I wrote about in this weeks newsletter is the perfect example of follow your curiosirty to live a creative life and go towards your fear and don't hide from them -- people are drawn to authentic people. โœŒ๏ธ

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