Sep 18Liked by Creative Hackers

It would be great to have a place where we can all talk and be weird together.

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I agree, everyone comes across as weird to others, but, but we are not weird to ourselves. Usually we think we are normal being our true selves. (if we have confidence in ourselves and believe we are worthy)

The key to open the door for us to express our unique authentic self, comes from self-love. When we love our selves, in that we love who we are as a person and treasure and know our self-worth, (what we can offer the world), then we are able to express our uniqueness (weirdness) to the world and be of service, with confidence, and a place of joy.

Also courage and desire to want to share our full authentic weird selves, needs to be present in us.

We need to believe in ourselves that we are worthy( with all our quirks) to be seen and heard, and want (have desire) to share ourselves to the world.

Without self-love, courage and desire, there is resistance to express who we are.

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Agree, good post Jane.

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