I love this - so glad I did your course, btw Jake - I'm 9 days into your 30 day challenge thing! So after I got home from work, I edit paste the prompt into chatgpt - The answer - beautifully formatted result which had lines in it that resonated with your course. The answer it gave (surprise surprise) take your ideas further I'll just quote a snippet around perfectionism


- **Embrace the imperfect:** Rubin would likely advise, “The best art divides the audience.” Accept that not all content will resonate with everyone, and that’s okay. Your unique voice will attract the right audience.

- **Action 1:** Release content regularly without over-editing. Set a limit on the number of edits or time spent on each piece.

Thanks again for this

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Love that Rhys. Thanks for sharing. The framework is great and the prompt delivers it in seconds. I'm glad it helped. Good luck on the 30 day challenge, let me know how you get on 👍

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I LOVE ChatGPT and started using it the day it became available to the public. One of the things I had it do was to create a schedule with all the stuff my multipotentialite brain wants to accomplish, and plot everything in a table - hour by hour - for each day of the week.

Going to try your prompt and see what happens. Thanks Jake!

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Yeah time blocking has done wonders for my productivity too 👍 How did you get on with the prompt?

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Loved reading this. I often get into a state of "Perfectionism, procrastination, overwhelm" I so agree with you that AI (when used correctly) is super useful for helping us be productivity, get clarity and help with getting our creative jucies going. Thanks for sharing the prompt, I will give it a go. I've only used ChatGPT a few times, but wasn't sure on effective prompts to get good results out it.

By the way I went down the Rabbit Hole of reading up on Rick Rubin, and found on the list of his many bands he worked with, and my favourite bank of all time, Pink Floyd and was sent down memory lane listening to their music, put on repeat "Comfortably Numb", got me in a trance state, especially listening to David Gilmor playing that awesome guitar rift... as I was listening this music got me into the creative mode. Thanks lol!

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LOL welcome. You would enjoy Rick Rubin's book me thinks. Definitely give the prompt a try. Use it to create a plan to overcome the obstacles you will face with your newsletter or trying out new experiments and projects. Being mentally and emotionally prepared makes a huge difference and helps build resiliance.

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Yep, will check out Rick's book, I'm sure I will, love anything to do with music, wish I had never given up the guitar and been a female version of David Gilmour Lol! Will give the prompt ago and see where it takes me, curious already..

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Chat LGBT to be politically

There's many transformers ( part of the encompassing artificial neural network- basically a model that ( debatably accurately) mimics our current understanding of a brain ( insect, fish, mammals , humanoid) that drive the large language models (LLM's )

The fine tuning, can be also prompt based ( not always the case) to accomplish specific tasks.

In the case of generative pre-trained transformer - GPT and the Open AI company Chat GPT carious version the goals was to generate "human like" content specific to human ontologies like syntax, semantics.

Your article, about Chat GBT ( generative BS transformer acronym?) and a emoji use in cut and paste misunderstood concepts, and grandiosity was the humorous article of the week.

I think it will easily take the prize for that...

Looking forward to the next iteration of

it .. may I suggest a Large Generative BS model , mimicking coherent language- let's call it Chat LGBT ?

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😂 chill dude. It’s a science backed framework. I created a prompt to do the framework in seconds, rather than hours — which most people are too busy to do. Take a day off fella 👍in the unlikely event I ever speak with Open AI, I shall be sure to pass on your concern about them incorrectly titling it Chat GBT ✌️

Haha EDIT: to say I’m dyslexic. I spell shit wrong all the time, it’s a thing we do. I’ve had several emails to highlight this mistake 👍

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